Discover How To Turn Your Website Into a Client Attracting, List Building, Money Making Machine!

Discover How To Turn Your Website Into a Client Attracting, List Building, Money Making Machine!

Discover How To Turn Your Website Into a Client Attracting, List Building, Money Making Machine!

Christina Hills

Hey Fellow Heart Centered Business Professionals, Are You…


Freaking out because your email list isn't growing, or (gasp!) you don't even have one at all?


Anxious that no one seems to know who you are on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn?


Confused by all the options and choices you see inside WordPress?


Frustrated at how hard it is to create new content for your website?


Worried that the way your website looks on a smartphone is turning away new clients?


Ticked off that your website doesn't show up in Google?

What if I told you that YOU can turn your site into a money making machine, all by yourself?

…and that you can start attracting more new clients right now without having to hire a web techie, a social media manager, or a copywriter?

Building an email list and a tribe of social media followers is crucial to getting more clients…

…because without a steady stream of new clients creating income for you, you have no business!

You have what the IRS calls a “hobby”.

And frankly, lying awake at night, wondering when the next client will call or email is an awful place to be in. You’re running on adrenaline all the time… the stress wears you down… and you feel like a total fraud trying to help people when you can’t even help yourself!

As a former office worker myself, I confess it wasn’t that long ago that I too felt overwhelmed about how to grow my business.

Give Your Site a Money-Making Makeover in the
Website Marketing Workshop…

And get more clients, more followers on social media, and grow your email list!

Refresh Your Website

Create Content Easier

Get More Followers

Grow Your Email List


Get Found in Google

Sell From Your Website

Track and Analyze Your Visitors

Book Clients Online

Click to Play Video Below

This Course Shows You How to Unleash the Growth Potential Hidden in Your WordPress Site

Here’s How the Website Marketing Workshop Coaching Program Works

Training Videos

Live Group Webinars


Downloadable Action Checklists


Downloadable Webinar Replays

The Website Marketing Workshop is an online coaching program. You will discover how to market your website step-by-step in this course, and have the chance to ask your questions about your situation.

For each module, there is a series of online training videos for you to step through at your own pace.  Then each month we have 2 live group webinars.

Just do the easy activities that I show you and bring any questions you have to the Live Group Webinars…

…and if you have to miss a webinar, don’t worry. You can submit your questions ahead of time, and listen to the answers by replay! (For your convenience everything’s recorded and stored in the online members area for one year.  And you can download the webinar replays and all the materials to your computer and keep them forever!)

Plus we will have a private Facebook group where you can interact with others in the program and get your questions answered.


Upgrade Your WordPress Theme & Rejuvenate Your Site

Are you happy with how your WordPress website looks today?

And how does your site look on a smartphone or tablet (iPhone, Android, iPad)? Is everything easy to read and pleasing to the eye? Or do you have to squint or search for your glasses to read tiny text on that small screen?

Smart phones and tablets are everywhere now. Some websites see 80% of their traffic coming from these devices.

But here’s the problem – many websites cannot be easily read on mobile devices.

Someone comes to your website and they get interested in what you have. They want to give you money, but they can’t read your website. And often times they won’t even be able to see the order button!

In this module you will discover…

  • How to Find and Choose a new Theme that you Love
  • How to Replace Old or Custom Themes Without “Breaking” Your Website
  • How to Evaluate Theme Providers and Theme Marketplaces
  • Review important WordPress settings so your site looks and functions at its best.
  • Demystify the options and choices inside WordPress.


Create Beautiful Visual Websites with the Divi Theme

  • Create Highly Visual Web Pages
  • Use Full Width Images, Videos, & Text
  • Leverage your Visuals to  Complement your Copy
  • Work easily with Large Block and Row Elements
  • Giving your viewers a Higher Emotional Impact


Grow a Big Email List from Visitors to Your Site

Everyone who comes to your website is also a potential new client or customer.

But what do you do when they leave without buying or setting up a consultation?

Chances are they won’t come back on their own…

You need to capture their email.

Build a big email list of people interested in you, and you will be able to generate new sales on command.

You need to ask people to join your list on every page of your website. And you need to give them a reason to do it.

Give them a sample of you (like a free report, video training, or consultation). Something so they can get to know and trust you before they buy.

In this module you will discover…

  • Email marketing completely explained and demystified.
  • Step by step overview instructions to setup any email marketing system.
  • How to easily add stylish email signup boxes anywhere on your site: on your sidebar, in the middle of an article, at the bottom of an article, pop-ups, and fly-ins.
  • How to hookup any of the following email services with your new email signup boxes such as Aweber, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign Mad Mimi, InfusionSoft, iContact, GetResponse, MailPoet, Feedblitz, SendInBlue, and Ontraport and more


Get More Followers on Social Media & Watch Your Ideas Go Viral

Every visitor to your website is also a potential new member of your tribe.

But all the different social sites today can make it so confusing…

…how do you know which ones to spend your time on?

Do you really have to be on *every* social site to be successful?

In this module you will discover…

  • The pros and cons of the major social media sites.
  • How to decide which social sites you should be on, and which ones you can safely ignore.
  • How to get new social followers when people visit your site with easy to add social media buttons. You’ll finally start growing a following to match your expertise!
  • How to get people to share your articles, blog posts, and ideas across the web with easy to add sharing buttons. Imagine the excitement when thousands of people share what you have created!


Create Content Faster for Your Site

Creating content for your website can be frustrating for some of us.

Knowing a few simple techniques and tricks can make all the difference in creating content that shows potential clients who you really are and how you can make a difference in their lives.

In this module you will discover…

  • How to develop a habit and system for creating content for your website (and for later posting on Social Media).
  • Finding inspiring images for your articles and blog posts.
  • How to easily add images and videos to your pages and blog posts.
  • How long your articles/blog posts should be.
  • How often to blog on your website.
  • How to make the right image from your blog post show up when you post it to Facebook.


Get Found in Google when Your Ideal Clients Search

There are millions of sites on the internet today.

It can be frustrating when you go to Google and search like your customers would, but you don’t show up!

To get your site to show up in Google, you need to know what Google is looking for, and how to easily add those things to your pages and blog posts.

In this module you will discover…

  • How to write articles that will make you show up higher in Google.
  • How to optimize any page or blog post for Google rankings.
  • Simple adjustments to make to your site that will help improve your rankings.
  • Which plugins you should use to improve your rankings in Google.


Make Money Online: Sell From Your Website

Selling directly from your WordPress website is just what you need to grow your business.

With WordPress it is easy to add payment buttons for your training courses, your coaching programs, or just about anything you’d like to make for sale.

In this module you will discover…

  • How to add easy payment buttons to your site.
  • You can use PayPal, Stripe, Amazon, or any shopping cart you like.
  • And you can do this in just minutes, no techie skills required.


Make Your Site Safe, Fast, and Efficient

Do you find all the choices and options inside WordPress overwhelming or confusing?

Do you have lots of plugins or themes installed that you are no longer using? But now you’re unsure if you can delete them?

In this module you will discover…

  • What to do if your WordPress Site Woefully Out of Date
  • Important WordPress Settings & Plugins so your site is fast and easy to use
  • Do You have a Secure SSL Site?
    Learn the simple steps to make your site SSL
  • Clean Out Old & Abandoned Themes, Plugins, Broken Stuff, etc. that a Developer that Would Be Charging You Big Bucks to do
  • Essential plugins that are easy to install and make your site easier to use.
  • Which plugins you can (and should!) delete to make your site secure against hackers.


Use Google Analytics to Understand Your Visitors and Improve Your Website

It’s one thing to apply all of these marketing tactics to your business, but are they working?

Without tracking your statistics on your website, you don’t really know WHAT is happening.

In this module you will discover…

  • How to Add Google Analytics to your WordPress Website
  • How to look at your statistics to understand what is happening on your site.
  • And how to improve your website to make it more ‘sticky’ so that people stay there longer, and convert from prospects to customers.


Live Coaching Webinars

Twice a month we will have live coaching webinars on various topics. You can bring your questions about marketing your website from what you have learned in the course to the live webinars and get feedback and answers from Christina Hills and her coaches. Can’t make a Session? No problem, just submit your questions ahead of time and I will happily answer them.

(For your convenience everything’s recorded and stored in the online members area for one year.  And you can download the webinar replays and all the materials to your computer and keep them forever!)


This Course Shows You How to Unleash the Growth Potential Hidden in Your WordPress Site

I love how Christina Hills always keeps me up to date on the latest trends and technologies for WordPress in the Website Marketing Workshop! And the biggest thing is that she really WANTS us to succeed! She and her team stays on top of things and makes sure everyone is taken care of. I have been learning from her for years, and she always has a new fresh approach to things that helps me keep my business and my websites running smoothly.”

Lauren Slade

President , Founder and Principal of the Universal College of Reflexology

“Christina breaks down complex processes into easy to follow steps and as an instructor she puts extra effort and energy into all of the live webinars. The Website Marketing Course goes above and beyond what it promises, plus it delivers a whole lot more. I can’t thank you enough. Wonderful!”

Riima Pruitt

Graphic Designer

“Once my beautiful website went live, I was a little sad because it was so much fun to build! So glad Christina offers continuing support/education with her Website Marketing Workshop. There’s so much more than having a great looking site, maintenance, security, marketing etc. Christina keeps you informed and up to date. It was just what I needed! Thanks, Christina, couldn’t have done it without you!”

Kathy Avicolli

Jewelry Artist and Esthetician

“The Website Marketing Workshop site is easy to use. There is up to date information in a fast changing digital world, there is a support platform to ask for advice on Facebook, and finally the experience and knowledge is all in one place. I must also say how empowered I feel learning what I have so far.”

Janet Lewis

Creator of Kinesthetic Chain

“Christina, I am so grateful and fortunate to be one of your students in your courses, the Website Marketing Workshop and also the Website Creation Workshop. I learned so, so much!!! Words can’t say… how much my appreciation!  I know now… how to create a beautiful WordPress website… thanks to you! And the way you teach, makes so easy to follow step by step with you and your amazing team! It helps me to learn to be confident and to know there is always a way to figure out how to find a solution! Christina, you are an amazing coach and the way you teach is so fun and easy to learn. I am so grateful for your help and support with your amazing team! We recommend all Christina Hills courses to anyone who is seeking to create a website and transform your website to a marketing tool for your business.”

Adriana & Mag Secretario

Co-Creator of GoodLifeSleep

“It has always been my dream to write and share stories of my photographs that I shot while traveling the world. Christina Hills Website Marketing Workshop offered me an opportunity to realize this dream. Through this incredible process of learning to create and market a website, I have been able to reach and have dialogue with so many wonderful people. The classes were thorough, well explained and her customer support division was always ready to help. When I finished the course, I was confident in creating, maintaining and marketing a website. The lessons did not stop there. There always seems to be a way to have access to any information you need through her support programs. I cannot thank Christina Hills and her team enough for helping me accomplish something that seemed so unattainable two years ago. I now am compiling my stories online as a blog and one day soon I’ll have my first book published. Thanks Christina and team! ♥️♥️♥️”

Leila Hoffpauir

Artist, Photographer, Instructor and Creative Coach

“Christina Hills has a natural talent for teaching, and is able to teach very effectively even with the built-in restrictions of the online world. On the live webinars, she uses a hands-on approach to teaching, using either her own website or one of the students’ site. She asks for a lot of feedback from students as she teaches, and often asks (and then answers) the question, “Where am I and what am I doing?”, just to make sure we’re all staying with her. I’m a leadership and team building instructor and coach myself, and Christina is clearly among the best instructors I’ve ever encountered. The Website Creation Workshop, the Website Marketing Workshop, and the WCW Club, have combined been one of the best learning experiences of my career. My website is several orders of magnitude better than ever, at a fraction of the cost of my former professional website designer. I heartily recommend Christina without reservation!”

Larry Brower

Leadership and Team Building Instructor and Coach

“I’m so excited! My website is truly Transformed! My website is no longer just a cyber office. It’s all SEO optimized and cleaned up. I have my opt-in gift for those who enter their email. I have the Mail Chimp email system set up with the double opt in and welcome page with offers. I have sent out group mailings called Campaigns. I have a calendar online where potential clients can schedule their free consult. I also have my biz Facebook page connected to my site and started to blog. All that jump started my list building. Just after setting it all up, someone I don’t know at all visited my Facebook Page, saw my shared blog post, clicked sign up and entered their email from my website contact page, and their name landed on my Mail Chimp list. Since that time (only 2 months) I’ve run two ads and brought in a number of great prospects that have accepted my help. Future plans include an online group program with online registration and payments, which I now know how to do. Here’s to Christina’s Website Marketing Workshop!!!! One of the best business investments I’ve made in two years and second only to the Website Creation Workshop. Kudos Christina! Can’t thank you enough! I know I couldn’t have done any of this without you! “
Ellen Wanamaker

Divorce Settlement Specialist

“I’m only about one third of the way through the Website Marketing Workshop course, but so far I’ve been able to refresh my website that I built in 2018 while in the Website Creation Workshop, fixed the backup problem I had, and have added the social media functionality that I knew was missing. Now I can just keep working through it and see what new stuff I need to learn!”

Brenda Collins



how to book clients online


BONUS: Let Your Clients Automatically Book Appointments from your Website

If you do client work, then you know how much time it takes to book appointments with them.

Either you or your assistant have to go back and forth in email (or by voicemail) trying to find a time that works for both of you.

Now you can eliminate all that back and forth wasted time by letting clients book their own appointments directly onto your personal appointment calendar!

In this bonus module you will discover…

  • How to take appointments right on your website using an easy to install plugin.
  • Why you should use this for both paying clients and free sessions for potential new clients.
  • How this will save time for you and make your clients happier as well.

BONUS: Divi “LinkTree” Layout

A “LinkTree” is something that is really great to have for social media.  You can give one link on your social media platforms to your “LinkTree” and your social followers can click on it to see all of your offerings in a handy list.  I have created a special “LinkTree” layout, for those that have Divi, so you can easily customize and use it for your business.

BONUS: Private Facebook Group

When transforming or marketing a website, or doing anything creative, it’s nice to have others to bounce ideas off of, share what you are doing with your business, and get ideas and inspiration from other members in the group.
That’s what happens in the Website Marketing Workshop private Facebook group!
Find a buddy, ask questions, and just plain mingle while you are transforming your WordPress website.
The Facebook group is completely optional.

Go At Your Own Pace!

Just like Netflix, in this program you can go at your own pace!  You do not need to wait for the coaching calls, you can start and stop the videos and training at your own pace, it’s up to you

So just like people like to binge watch shows on Netflix, you can work through the modules at whatever speed you want, implement what you learn on your website and bring your questions to the live coaching webinars to get help with the module you are working on.  You get help where YOU are in the process!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is this program designed for?

 A: This program is designed for people with a self-hosted WordPress website and the foundational knowledge of WordPress, wanting to learn more and to improve their site.  If you do not yet have a self-hosted WordPress site, click here to check out my foundation WordPress class.

Q: When does the program start?

A: This program is a monthly membership and it begins as soon as you enroll.  When you enroll you’ll have access to all of the modules and the bonuses so you can start improving your website immediately.  You may remain a member for as many months as you wish.

Q: How many live webinars are there a month?

A: There are 1-2 live group webinars a month.

Q: What system do you use for the live webinars?

A: We use the GoToWebinar system for the live webinars.

Q: What is the schedule for the live webinars?

A: The live group webinars are on different days and at different times each month to accommodate your schedules.  We will post them in the online members area by the first of each month so you may get them on your calendar.  

Q: Can I get the downloads of the Group Coaching Webinars?

A: Yes, the live group webinar replays will be online each month in the members area for you to download or watch online.

Q: How long can I access the live webinar replays?

A: You have access the live webinar replays that happened during the last 12 months. For your convenience, we also provide download links for the live call replays on the individual webinar pages.

Q: Do I have to Attend ALL the live Webinars?

A: No! The live group webinars are for you to ask questions about transforming your website and what you have learned in the course. You pick the webinars that are convenient for you, and come to as many or as few live calls as you want. All of the training materials are in the members area and the calls will all be recorded for easy playback.

Q: Does the Website Marketing Workshop have training or is it only live group coaching webinars?

A: Yes, the Website Marketing Workshop has 7 training modules in addition to the live group coaching webinars.  See above on this page for a detailed description of what’s included in each training module.

Q: Can I join during the month?

A: Yes, you can join at any time and will receive access to the content.

Q: How long are the Live Webinars?

A: The live webinars are generally 75 minutes, but sometimes they end a bit early or sometimes they go a little longer. 90 min max. We like to give time for questions and answers.

Q: How will I get my questions answered?

A: The questions are answered during the live webinars. We encourage our members to submit their questions ahead of time. Each webinar has its own page with an area to submit questions prior to the call so that Christina can best help you!   If you can’t make it to the live webinars, you may submit your questions ahead of time and Christina will happily answer them and you may watch the replay at your convenience.

The Facebook group is also available for members to seek support from their fellow members. Christina hangs out there on a regular basis, but please note that its not meant to be the place to get quick answers from her.

Q: How often am I billed?

A: If you choose the monthly membership, you are billed automatically once a month on the same date each month.

If you choose the annual membership, you will be prompted to renew when your membership is almost up.

Q: Is the price the same if I pay monthly or annually?

A: No, if you purchase annually you’ll pay for 10 months and receive 2 months for free.  If you need to cancel, you’ll receive a prorated refund.

Q: Can I cancel at any time?

A: Monthly Plan: Yes, you can cancel at any time by sending an email to and we will cancel future payments. Please note that we need at least 5-day advance notice before your next billing cycle to process your cancellation. Once your payment has been processed, no refund will be issued.

Annual Plan: Yes, you can cancel at any time by sending an email to and we will give you a prorated credit back for the remaining months in your year.

Q: Is this program for a Mac or a PC?

A: You can use either a Mac or a PC computer to go through this training program. And you can use either to transform your websites with WordPress.

Q: What if I don't have a self-hosted WordPress site yet?

A: If you don’t have a self-hosted WordPress website yet, you’ll want to take my foundation WordPress training the Website Creation Workshop.  Go here to get on the notification list for the next class: or email my team for an available seat.

Q: I previously took the Website Creation Workshop, will I get access again?

A: The Website Creation Workshop is our foundation WordPress course. Yes, if you have previously taken the Website Creation Workshop you will have access to that online members area for as long as you remain a member of the Website Marketing Workshop.

This Course Shows You How to Unleash the Growth Potential Hidden in Your WordPress Site

Meet Your WordPress Transformation Teacher!

Christina Hills is an expert in simple solutions for WordPress websites and is the creator of the long running Website Creation Workshop Program for non-technical business owners.

Since 2008, Christina has helped more than 3,825 independent experts and professionals create their own websites in WordPress.

She is a 13 year online marketing veteran and a former special effects movie animator, with film credits from George Lucas for Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and ET. She is also a wife and mother and lives with her family in San Diego, California.

“Christina Hills has been my go-to mentor for building my own website since 2012. Her trainings have empowered me to maintain control over my own website, which has been crucial to updating my website in a timely, affordable manner. When I was ready for my business to expand and take advantage of the modern and very real need to have social media, email marketing, SEO, and appointment tools better organized and managed on my website, I took Christina’s Website Marketing Workshop. In fact, I’d been asking her for a course like this! The result for me has been a complete website makeover that I’m really proud of and very excited to unveil. Many of my friends and colleagues have bought into expensive funnel templates or prefabricated websites and experience a lot of frustrations considering the cost. On the other hand, I’ve learned how to take control of every aspect of my website because of Christina. I would not have been able to pull this off without being a part of the Website Creation Workshop AND the follow up course: the Website Marketing Workshop. I’m so happy with what I’ve learned that I’m retaking her updated course to stay on top of my business as it continues to grow.”

Sally Stone

Author and Health Coach

“Infinite gratitude for your patience, clarity, wisdom and practicality that you display in your courses. It gives me the confidence to do things that otherwise I would not do. Knowing I have the backup of an expert teacher, like you, makes all the difference and has helped me to loose the apprehension I had for all the technological stuff. I discovered that what I said to myself “I am not technically minded” is not true at all and makes me trust in my skills to progress with my website “holding” your hand. Thank You!”
Adriana Colotti Comel


“My experience with Christina started in 2009, when I signed up for the first (I think) of the Website Creation Workshops; and I have continued to enlist in her courses ever since because of the excellence of her instruction and her ability to ensure that her students LEARN! There are many facets to this ability of hers, but the one I am most impressed with is her ability to ensure that her students learn the material she is trying to teach. Christina knows her stuff! But even more important she knows the difference between the essential fact and the trivialities. I feel very blessed that I have experienced Christina’s teaching, and have been able to profit from it! ”

Bill Blake

Author, Coach and Consultant

“I have taken two of Christina Hills courses and I have built two websites. One for my husbands silk screening business and another for my own coaching business. I have found her courses to be logical, thoughtful, creative and easy to follow. I’m an educator at heart and the curriculum is fantastic. I think sometimes we all sign up for online courses, and we don’t always complete it or get what it is that we’re looking for. I absolutely received what I’m looking for from her courses. Christina goes above and beyond to make sure that you received what it is that you need for whatever your situation, and I couldn’t be happier! Thank you.”

Lynn Hardin


“As a small business owner responsible for several websites besides my own, the Website Marketing Workshop gave me the next step up I needed to more efficiently secure and manage those sites. As a creative professional, the more in-depth training on search engine optimization, social media, and selling online gave me the confidence to take my own business to the next level along with improving sites for my clients. Better yet, I’m now able to get my website work done so much more quickly and I have far more time to pursue my creative work. Thank you!”

Kari Kilgore

Author and Publisher

“What makes Christina Hills’ programs so valuable is because of the way that they are built, organized, sequenced and made available 24 hours a day. One huge advantage that Christina Hills’ has over a lot of other people that offer similar online learning programs is that she is an excellent teacher. Not only is the course work excellent, but Christina is also very generous with her time, resources and insight. Some providers of online learning create canned programs that they then record and sell these as a learning experience. The people I am talking about give very little of their personal time and often respond to questions only by email. As a result these other programs lose the human connection that Christina provides consistently.”

Jimm Hughey

100% Success Guarantee

I am so confident in the Website Marketing Workshop, and I know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will have a truly transforming experience marketing your website!  And just to back that up, we will give your first 30 days to decide if my teaching methods are for you.  If you decide this program is not for you, just let us know by email within 30 days and you will get a 100% refund of your first payment. After 30 days you can cancel future payments. Notice must be received 5-days in advance of your next billing cycle to process your cancellation. Once a payment gets processed, no refund will be issued.

-Christina Hills, Your Teacher and Coach for WordPress

Website Marketing Workshop
PRIORITY Reservation Form

YES! I Want To Join The Website Marketing Workshop

Christina, please let me into the Website Marketing Workshop . I want to learn online from the comfort of my own home without any travel expenses. I understand it’s an online training, coaching and membership program for me to go through at my own pace. I know that if I miss any webinars, I can get the replays in the members area. I understand this is a program for me to market my existing, self-hosted WordPress website. I understand that, once my order is authorized, you will process my order promptly and reserve my place in the Website Marketing Workshop Monthly Membership. I understand I will learn the website building and marketing techniques that you have put together to teach me and that not you nor anyone else has made any income promises to me and that my income is dependent solely on my own efforts and that of my business. I understand that I can cancel at any time by contacting your team via email.

By Clicking the Purchase Button Below,
You’ve Acknowledged and Agreed to the
Website Marketing Workshop

Terms and Conditions

This website is not affiliated with or sponsored by Automattic, Inc. or the WordPress ® Open Source project. The Website Creation Workshop is a training program dedicated to teaching people how to use WordPress®.

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